Sunday, January 28, 2007
...wins on the Friday TL this week. great riding by all the other Schlapps too. Ellen Hunter is sunning herself in Aus and making an occaisional foray onto the track for little light training. Ant 'Jam' Kappes is there too. Apparently, he has been challenging Kangaroes in jumping. Takes all sorts !
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Shigekazu Maruyama
One of our Japanese World Champions, Shigekazu Maruyama will be riding in Yasumitsu-Schlapp/Vital/trigon colours this year in Japan. We wish him all the very best and look forward to seeing the photos
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Schlapp abroad
So, while you and I are slaving over a hot keyboard, the rain lashes down outside and there is a pile of washing awaiting to be ironed, some Schlapps will be sunnin g it up around the world.
First to leave these shores will be Anthony Kappes and Ellen Hunter who will be checking out Jams of Australia at Benditandem or somewhere like that. Apparently, they are going under the guise of a training camp. Not together you understand - although on the same plane. They are going with WCPP and Ant, bless his cotton Marmalades, will be going on to sample the delights of China for a day or two. Check out them dragons Ant. The ones in China that is.
Then, next off to top up his suntan and big it oop in the night-clubs of Ibiza is Fil'uff. Mr 'uff tells me there is a track in Ibiza where is going to be training every day. Yeah, right :-)
Furthermore Jonathon Norfolk is off to the West Indies again for a spot of racing, Rum drinking and talking about dem tings dat are portant. Nice. Mr Norfolk will be defendin his 'best overseas riders who coped with the falling down water' title.
Later in the year David Jackson - last seen cycling furiously round the track - is off to Nepal to climb some hills. Big hills I'm told. No doubt we will have a whip round for some Imodium before he goes.
We wish them all the very best for a speedy and safe return. Hard life being a Schlapp innit?
First to leave these shores will be Anthony Kappes and Ellen Hunter who will be checking out Jams of Australia at Benditandem or somewhere like that. Apparently, they are going under the guise of a training camp. Not together you understand - although on the same plane. They are going with WCPP and Ant, bless his cotton Marmalades, will be going on to sample the delights of China for a day or two. Check out them dragons Ant. The ones in China that is.
Then, next off to top up his suntan and big it oop in the night-clubs of Ibiza is Fil'uff. Mr 'uff tells me there is a track in Ibiza where is going to be training every day. Yeah, right :-)
Furthermore Jonathon Norfolk is off to the West Indies again for a spot of racing, Rum drinking and talking about dem tings dat are portant. Nice. Mr Norfolk will be defendin his 'best overseas riders who coped with the falling down water' title.
Later in the year David Jackson - last seen cycling furiously round the track - is off to Nepal to climb some hills. Big hills I'm told. No doubt we will have a whip round for some Imodium before he goes.
We wish them all the very best for a speedy and safe return. Hard life being a Schlapp innit?
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Nice to see a good turn out for the sprint sesh where Schlapp riders were a small majority. Runner Boy and J Norfolk Esq. looking fast and fit, Simon C looking strong, Jo F quiet, Jo W checking her dad is still training - she is due to lose £10 soon! Mr W trying not to throw up. Basically, everyone having a good time.
Don't forget you all need racing licence. CTT registration will be sorted soon. Get fit and fast!
Don't forget you all need racing licence. CTT registration will be sorted soon. Get fit and fast!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
A few lovely TRIGON track frames out on the Velodrome today at the Schlapp track sesh.
Here's the one Mr Wilman was pedalling round.

..and here is Ms Anderson modelling her new bike [while her kit is 'so last year' ].
Nice to see Ian 'BMX national champ' Sharpe back on the track after an 18 month absence. A comeback???
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Yasumitsu-Schlapp; still Vital
For the second season running Yaumitsu-Schlapp will be generously supported by Vital Resources in Manchester. After a successful 2006, Yasumitsu-Schlapp are looking to be able to put Vital's name in lights - again. See