Monday, April 28, 2008

Hi, it's me - guess who? ;-)

Dear lovely Schlappers,

After me last few moaning postings I've now got what should be a great field for the tandem event. At last count approximately 18 tandems including 5 Irish tandems, 1 New Zealand tandem, 2 German tandems, 1 Auzzie and I USA. Then we've the locals!! Jon N/Ant Kappes : Gwyn/Ang Undrell : Ant Gill/Si Churton : Ellen H/Aileen McG : Paul H/Ian Sharpe : Barney Storey/Williams? : Ben Elliot/John Saysell : Pete Boyd/Dave Heald and a possible Legro/Campbell combination! Now you cant possibly want to miss that can you? What a line up!!!

Now all I need is just a few more bodies around for small job type thingies that need doing like holding up the riders, ringing a bell or summat like that. There are still a few of you out there that aren't riding and haven't already volunteered and so now 'You're Track Team Needs You'

So the last few of you out there that have escaped me so far your number is up. Email me ring me but contact me as time is fast running out

Lots of love :-)



Blogger Andrea Ingram said...

Flippin heck! what a line -up. That LeGro fella is over the hill mind. make sure the pursuit is at least 3000m :-)

5:12 AM  
Blogger jeanette said...

One mistake - on etandem is a Storey/Jackson combo not Williams! Lets hope that Old fella Lego ;-) can make it to the event.

Still waiting for the offers of help to com eflooding in ;-)

8:53 AM  

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